Rotary on 11-7-2013 at Massillon Museum-The Masters
Rotary's luncheon meeting was held at the Massillon Museum to support our United Way:
All those tickets for the United Way Baskets and Masters Golf comes to the Massillon Museum:
Thank you Dave for the Papa John's Pizza:
Rotary fellowship at the Museum's Silk Gallery:
Note-Veterans Art Gallery in the Silk Gallery starts on Sunday, November 10th:
President Kathy goes thru the meeting agenda:
Our Massillon Middle School Students of The Month are recognized by Rotary:
Students Karoline Smith and Luke Balizet with Principal Christine Ferrell and President Kathy:
Of course, Obie the Tiger in the background is still basking in Victory over arch-rival McKinley and pleased with his outstanding students:
Rotary Foundation to the aid of our historical Lions Lincoln Theatre with a generous grant from all Rotarians to assist in the purchase of a digital projector and sound system:
Rotarians Jeff and Leroy deliver the check to Linda Blakenship for the Lions Lincoln Theatre:
All Smiles !! Let the Movies begin !!