April 14, 2022
The Massillon Rotary Foundation Awards $133,000 in Grants
The Massillon Rotary Foundation awarded funds to the following recipients to help fund programs for their Organizations:
- Massillon Knights Foundation ($2,582) Grant provided funding of the purchase of two defibrillators
- Massillon City Health Department ($3,850) To fund the purchase and distribution of Infant CPR Anytime Kits
- Massillon YMCA ($20,000) This grant is for the funding of scholarships. It will support memberships for individuals you could not otherwise to join the Massillon YMCA
- Domestic Violence Project ($20,000) Grant will provide financial support to the Massillon shelter of domestic violence victims
- AHEAD Inc. ($9,500) Grant will provide behavior consulting to Massillon school children
- Massillon Girls and Boys Club ($24,000) This grant is for year around consulting services for child and adolescent behavior
- Reservoir Pump House Restoration ($50,000) This grant along with $200,000 of additional grants will complete phase I of the restoration of the reservoir pump house. Phase I is the complete restoration of the structure and outside of the building.
- Vantage ($3,000) Support for Meals on Wheels of Northeast Ohio
Grant Recipients with Rotary Foundation Chair, Joe Logan, Rotary President-Elect, Dan Swartz and Rotary President, Chad Hartman