By Greg Butler
I love the fall season, which is just around the corner, and the cheers and lights at the high School football fields all across Stark County. With all levels of school starting back, we turn our eyes away from the lazy days’ of summer, and towards a busier time of the year. We, as Rotarians, need to look at getting busy as well.
I’m proud to be serving this year as your Rotary President and I plan to meet and work with all of you in several areas. I plan to get us started with an additional fundraiser this year ... The Field of Heroes Flags ... I hope this fundraiser over the 2013 Memorial Day weekend will be a place of honor for our heroes and a place of pride for the city of Massillon. I plan on getting our club busy with an international project. Rotary is great for our community, but we also can do great good outside of our community and help those who are not fortunate enough to live in the United States, especially the children. Spending time in Thailand opened my eyes to how children live their lives day to day, in the rest of the world. It moved me to work towards making a difference.
Next, I plan to get our Rotary Club noticed in the community through our works, PR, and website. To grow our club and attract new members, people need to know who we are and what we do. The younger generation is looking to get involved and volunteer, but they want to get involved with clubs who are actively doing projects.
I also plan to work with fellow Rotarians to improve some, already good programs, into even better programs we can all be proud of.
Finally, if that is not busy enough, I also plan on having us get involved in a local project within Massillon. So I hope you come along for the ride and are ready to roll up your sleeves and get busy. I will be announcing a few new committees that will be forming, and if you have a heart for service in any of them, we will be looking for committee chairs.
I look forward to getting to know more of you and having a busy year.